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  3. Legal Notices

The ipaz.eu website is published by IPAZ SELARL de Conseils en Propriété Industrielle, with capital of €39,168, registered with the Evry Trade and Companies Register under number D 385 288 915, with its head office located at BÂTIMENT PLATON PARC LES ALGORITHMES – 91190 ST AUBIN, telephone no: +33 01 69 33 21 21.

Mr. Olivier Legrand is the publication director.

The website hosting provider is CELESTE SAS, Cité Descartes, 20 rue Albert Einstein, 77420 CHAMPS SUR MARNE, telephone no: +33 01 70 17 60 20.

The ipaz.eu website and its individual components are protected by intellectual property rights and are the exclusive property of IPAZ.

Only personal, private, and non-commercial use is authorized. The website and its components may not be downloaded, reproduced, transmitted, or disseminated for any other purpose, whether in whole or in part, without the prior written permission of IPAZ.