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  3. Team members
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  5. Nurhak AKDOGAN

Patent Team – Engineering Sciences

Agency: Montpellier
+33 (0)4 30 63 00 40

Technical Areas of Expertise

  • IT/Software
  • Telecommunications
  • Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Electronics/Semiconductors
  • Energy
  • Medical Devices
  • Materials

Other Technical Fields of CompetenceĀ 

  • Physics
  • Photonics/Optics
  • Semiconductor Topology
  • Mechanics
  • Civil Engineering
  • Nanotechnology
  • Natural Resources and Environment

Educational Background
Engineering, Specialization: Electronics and Computer Engineering, Communication Systems (INSA de Rennes)

Professional Qualifications: Patent Associate
French Patent Attorney
European Patent Attorney
CEIPI Graduate

French, English, German, Turkish

During Nurhakā€™s studies, he designed and participated in the construction of a Faraday cage (for electromagnetic wave mixing in the design of communication antennas) as well as a USB-RS232 communication bridge used in the military.

Nurhak deals primarily with portfolios involving ICT, multimedia, electronics, physics (energy, electromagnetism, etc.), mechanics, expert systems, IT, data processing, signal processing, software, various fields associated with medical devices (medical image processing, diagnostic assistance software, CAMI, etc.), and the environment (energy management, electric vehicles).

He collaborates with the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and with several universities.

His proficiencies include drafting of patent applications, monitoring of patent procedures in both France and abroad, IP portfolio management, technology watches, competitive intelligence, and patent consultations and litigation.

He is accustomed to representing clients during oral proceedings before the European Patent Office.

He also assists bailiffs during counterfeit seizures.